Dutch Proverbs (Breughel 1559) - Virtual Tour of Dutch History (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Al te goed is buurmans gek. Literal Translation: "All too good is neighbor's fool." Meaning: "If you are always helping everyone, someone will abuse it." Als de kat van huis is, dansen de muizen (op tafel). Literal Translation: "When the cat is away from home, the mice dance (on the table)" Meaning: "Grabbing the opportunity when nobody watches". Better English: "While the cat's away, the mice will play". Dutch Proverbs Brueghel800px-Bruegel_Proverbs.jpg

Mapa del lugar de interés Dutch Proverbs (Breughel 1559)

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Dutch Proverbs (Breughel 1559), con el API de Google Street View

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